Thursday, February 8, 2018

Parody Reflection

For the parody photoshoot, I chose the artist Barbara Kruger. She was really an inspiration to me and I really enjoyed her style. Fo the photoshoot I was able to find a lot of things around the house. When I did find subject matter, I tried to get close to it. Take this picture for example, I would've gotten closer but the camera wouldn't focus. 
When I was taking my pictures, I came to realize that getting up close and using rule of thirds really helped the quality of my photos. They made them look more like Kruger's photos than if I had centered the subject matter or taken the picture from far away. 
I tried to take pictures that revolved around something similar to Kruger's subject matter. Like a little china bunny, or medication. I guess this assignment let me voice my own opinions on things. The photo above is like me saying that you should see the truth instead of blindly believing in something. It made me view the world the way it is.
This assignment helped me recognize my skill for taking close up pictures and lighting. But it also helped me realize that I need to learn how to use my camera better, I still don't know how to take pictures even closer than I already was. This assignment to me doesn't necessarily need anything changed, but I wish we could have had to do less pictures. Thirty felt like a lot for parody pictures. 

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