Thursday, February 22, 2018

Noun Reflection

 For this assignment, I decided that my noun would be "Me," seeing as I knew myself the best. And since I love the ice rink, I thought I go take pictures there. Out of the two I had taken, this one has to be my favorite. It was rather easy to set up the scene, I just needed to wait for someone to start practicing and then I'd take the picture!
 I had tried to use symmetry for this photo, but I had taken it kind of quick. But I feel the picture came out well.
As for the subject matter, I figured since I enjoy ice skating, that the rink would be the best place to take pictures at. I also purposefully focused on the ice rather than the figure skater. The ice itself is beautiful and intricate, well that's what I think and I'd like other people to think that as well since nobody ever pays attention to the details.
 My major strength of this assignment would most likely be the fact that I was taking pictures of things that I see on a weekly, or daily basis. Like my favorite places, or my hobbies. Though I didn't know how to take pictures of the same subject matter but different. That made the assignment a little difficult for me. But I wouldn't change anything about the assignment, I loved that I got to choose what to take pictures off. If I had been given a noun, I don't think I'd know what to do.

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