Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Panorama Reflection

  When we were introduced to this project, I immediately knew what I wanted to go take pictures of, Indy ComicCon. And so I went to the Indiana convention center to take some pictures. Last year was my first convention and it was so much fun and I met so many amazing people and got to see a lot of cool cosplays. I don't know a lot of people who cosplay, so going to ComicCon was a chance to get to meet other people who share the same interests. On top of that, the scene was easy to take! All I had to do was go to the balcony and take some pictures. But, I ended up take these pictures near the end of the day when it's not busy.
  Using good composition was found to be kind of difficult for this particular project, but in all it depends on what your subject matter is. I didn't have much space to work with, seeing as there were a lot of things I didn't want in the photo, so I guess I could say I used distractions.
  I wish I had choose the Exhibit Hall with all the cosplayers, celebrities, and artist booths, but I wasn't able to get a good enough picture over the crowd, not to mention all the movement would make it hard to piece the picture together. So I picked a less crowded area, making it harder to interpret my voice as a photographer. I'd like to say it says something about it or changed my view, but it doesn't.
  One of the strengths I had for this project was being able to go to an event that's only here for 3 days a year, if that's considered a strength. But, I definitely have to say that not being able to keep still while taking these photos. I didn't move my feet, but I ended up taking a bunch of crooked pictures and had to crop a lot of bits out. Another weakness would be the amount of pictures, I was zoomed in as far as my camera would go, but the space was smaller than I thought and there is only so much you can overlap. So maybe I'd change that; less pictures=more panoramas. Like, have three panoramas with ten photos for each one.

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